Although the earliest burial in this cemetery is recorded as Emeline Frisbee (plot 49N), who was buried here in 1820, this happened before this was actually known as a cemetery.
The first burial in the grounds after it was known as a cemetery took place in 1853, a daughter, Amelia (section 16N), of Thomas Campbell (plot 16N), of Exeter, Wisconsin.
Seymour Smith (7N) who died on 2-1-1821, and was age 72 was born in 1749.
Maurice D. Smith (17S) who was born on 9-15-1915 and died 11-19-2013 was 98 years old when he died. More recently, Jerome Grunnet (75N) who was born in 1923 died 2021 at 98 years of age.
As of 2024 there are 547 people buried here.
In 2023 there were 536 people buried here.
There are 59 children buried here that were under the age of 18 when they died.
There are 43 veterans buried here as of 2022, and 44 in 2024.
As of 2022 here are the counts:
1 War of 1812 Veteran
26 Civil War Veterans
2 World War I Veteran
9 World War II veterans
3 Korean War Veteran
2 Vietnam War Veterans
The cemetery was originally known as “Brooklyn Cemetery” and also as the “Stone Schoolhouse Cemetery”, named for the stone school house that was adjacent to it. The Stone Schoolhouse later became the Jug Prairie Schoolhouse.
Written in 1877, the "History of Green County" by Helen Bingham, says that the name “Jug Prairie” derives from a remark by one of the early settlers who traveled one day to Rock County to trade. So many of his neighbors asked him to take vinegar and molasses to Rock County that by the time he reached his destination he had over a dozen jugs in his wagon. To the jokes of the bystanders, as he drove up to the store he replied, “Oh yes, I come from the Jug Prairie!”
Others have offered that the jugs actually contained alcohol from Attica, and that the story might have been changed to favor a popular 'temperance" attitude against alcohol.
Of course you may come. The board meets yearly on the first April Saturday at the Brooklyn Town hall (NOT the Brooklyn Village hall!) . The address is 400 W Main St, Brooklyn, WI 53521.
Most of the people buried in Jug Prairie were Christians. Most Christians tend to bury their dead facing east. This is because they believe in the second coming of Christ and scripture teaches that he will come from the east. In this manner, they place their dead in a position so when they rise they can meet Christ face-to-face during his second coming.
Regardless of religious connections, graves facing east are far more predominant in many cemeteries than graves facing any other direction. Many cemeteries, churches, and funeral homes set certain restrictions such as burying the dead facing the east for ease of maintenance and aesthetic purposes
Because the head of the deceased is placed nearest the gravestone (headstone) you are probably standing on the grave while you read the marker.
Yes. They are concrete cylinders with a 1/4 inch steel rod, that are buried 40 feet from the main walkway that divides the cemetery into the north and south cemeteries. Typically on the west and/or east corners of the 'H' grave sites. They were placed from the first to the 22nd row.
We don't know why they don't seem to have gone any further. As of today (2022) , they are about 4 inches underground.